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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Electronic Frontier Foundation Awarded $131,000 for E-Voting Campaign

Arca Foundation Gives $85,000 Quixote Foundation Gives $21,000 Rockefeller Family Fund Gives $25,000 San Francisco, CA -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has been awarded three grants totaling $131,000 for its work leading the national litigation strategy on computerized voting. The first grant of $85,000 is from the Washington, DC-based...

CAPPS II Cancelled

Dept. of Homeland Security Puts Stake in the Heart of Passenger Profiling System Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said yesterday that development of CAPPS II - the government's controversial airline passenger surveillance program – will not continue. As reported by USA Today: Asked Wednesday whether the program could be considered...

Federal Court Rules in Favor of Paper Trail Reform in E-Voting

Los Angeles - A federal judge today ruled that California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley's requirements to ensure the security of electronic voting machines do not violate federal or state law. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, California Voter Foundation,, and Voters Unite! submitted a friend-of-the-court brief and a surreply in...


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