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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A letter behind bars inside a spying eye

A.B.O Comix, et al. v. San Mateo County

In 2021, San Mateo County banned anyone incarcerated in its jails from receiving any physical mail other than attorney communications. Under this new policy, the senders of mail must route their letters to Smart Communications, a private for-profit company, which scans and then destroys the physical copy. The digital copy...

HackSummit, a virtual blockchain conference. Join free with the code "eff"


EFF supporters are invited to join hack.summit(), a virtual event where you can learn about blockchain coding concepts from speakers including Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin.Attend from the comfort of your home, and hear from an unprecedented lineup of blockchain leaders and protocol founders. It's a great opportunity to level...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

La EFF y el Student Press Law Center instan al Tribunal Supremo a exigir al Gobierno que demuestre la intención subjetiva en los casos de amenazas

Reema Moussa, becaria de la EFF, es la autora de este artículo.En nuestra sociedad altamente digitalizada, las expresiones en línea, como los mensajes y los correos electrónicos, pueden sacarse de contexto, reformularse de manera que distorsionen o pierdan completamente su significado, y difundirse mucho más allá de los destinatarios previstos.Teniendo...

The light from a surveillance camera shines on three Black faces, which look directly at the camera.

Coded Resistance, the Comic!

In collaboration with The Nib and illustrator Chelsea Saunders, we've adapted "Coded Resistance" into comic form. Explore the stories of slave revolts, the coded songs of Harriet Tubman, civil rights era strategies for circumventing "Ma Bell," and the use of modern day technology to document police abuse.


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