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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A woman holds an ultrasound with keys

Abortion Access in the Age of Digital Surveillance @ DEF CON 31

In the year since the Supreme Court overturned federal legal protections for reproductive rights, people seeking, providing, and supporting reproductive healthcare are grappling with the challenges of digital surveillance. Multiple services and apps track our movements and communications, and that data can be used by law enforcement and private parties...

Tracking the Worlds Dumbest Cyber-Mercenaries @ DEF CON 31

For the last 6 years my colleagues and I have been tracking the activities of the cyber-mercenaries we call Dark Caracal. In this time we have observed them make a number of hilarious mistakes which have allowed us to gain crucial insights into their activities and victims. In this talk...

EFF logo with skeleton face by artist Eddie Mize

Ask the EFF @ DEF CON 31

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is thrilled to return to DEF CON 31 to answer your burning questions on pressing digital rights issues. Our panelists will provide updates on current EFF work, including the fight against government surveillance and protecting creative expression, before turning it over to attendees to pose...


Join EFF at DEF CON 31! We're excited to be back for another DEF CON with a membership booth in the Vendor area, a contest, and a bunch of talks.Join the CauseCome find us in the Vendor area talk to us about the latest in online rights, get on...

EFF at BSidesLV

Once again, EFF is excited to be back at the Tuscany Suites & Casino for BSides Las Vegas! Stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up a special...

Expanding Broadband in Portland, The Time Is Now

Access to high-speed internet in our homes is an essential service like water and electricity, not a luxury. Our local and regional governments have a responsibility to provide equitable, accessible, and affordable fast-internet service to every home and business- just like electricity, water, and waste removal. Portland, Oregon, has existing...

Image features a rainbow gradient and the text "Plant The Seeds for a Better Internet"

Nurturing the Internet Freedom Movement 🌱

EFF has been cultivating a better internet for all of us for over 30 years. Together we till the hard ground, plant the ideas, nurture the discussions, and nourish the movement we know today. Member support ensures that EFF can continue to weed out attacks on digital freedom with nuanced...

Preliminary Injunction Limiting Government Communications with Platforms Tackles Illegal “Jawboning,” But Fails to Provide Guidance on What’s Unconstitutional

A July 4 preliminary injunction issued by a federal judge in Louisiana limiting government contacts with social media platforms deals with government “jawboning”—urging private persons and entities to censor another’s speech—a serious issue deserving serious attention and judicial scrutiny.The First Amendment forbids the government from coercing a private entity...

EFF Urges Supreme Court to Make Clear That Government Officials Have First Amendment Obligations When They Use Their Social Media Accounts for Governmental Purposes

Washington, D.C. — Electronic Frontier Foundation urged the Supreme Court today to send a loud and clear message to government officials around the country who use social media in furtherance of their official duties, but then block people who criticize them: Doing so violates our First Amendment right to...

Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 35.8

There's a lot happening in the digital rights movement, but don't worry, we've got you covered! Catch up on the latest news with our EFFector newsletter, featuring updates, upcoming events, and more. Our latest issue features updates from Reddit's moderator strike and mass exodus of users, a recap of the...


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