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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

CES 2024

EFF is proud to support CES 2024! The conference is in full swing with an in-person gathering featuring product launches from global brands and promising entrepreneurs and hundreds of hours of conference programming. Registration is open now to join the event in Las Vegas.More about CES 2024:CES is...

Photo of Grecia 2

Speaking Freely: Grecia Macías

Grecia Macìas is a lawyer at R3D: La Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales. She graduated from the Universidad Panamericana Law School in Mexico. She has experience in Constitutional Law and Human Rights, and is passionate about issues of freedom of expression, privacy, content moderation and algorithm inequality. EFF’s...

EFF at CactusCon 12

EFF is happy to be back at CactusCon for their 12th event! We'll be at the conference with an info booth, so be sure to stop by and chat with our team and learn about the latest developments in the fight for digital freedoms. We're excited to say hi...

A wide image with an angry robot on one side. On the other side are the words, Red Flag Machine

Cómo GoGuardian invade la privacidad de los estudiantes

GoGuardian es una herramienta de supervisión de estudiantes que vigila a más de veintisiete millones de estudiantes en diez mil escuelas. Pero los alumnos no saben con exactitud lo que hace ni lo bien que funciona. Para obtener más información sobre su funcionalidad, precisión e impacto en los alumnos, presentamos...

¿Qué !"$!"#% es una llave maestra?

En 2023 empieza a estar disponible una nueva técnica de inicio de sesión: la passkey. La passkey promete solucionar el phishing y evitar la reutilización de contraseñas. Pero mucha gente inteligente y orientada a la seguridad está confundida sobre qué es exactamente una passkey. Hay una buena razón para ello...
Photo of Nadine Strossen

Speaking Freely: Nadine Strossen

Nadine Strossen is a leading voice for freedom of speech as a scholar and an activist in the US and globally. She is a constitutional law professor at New York Law School, a Senior Fellow with FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, and was the President of the...


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