El futuro de la Internet abierta está en peligro este 31 de octubre, no por fantasmas y duendes, sino por las empresas de banda ancha que controlan el acceso a Internet en la mayor parte de Estados Unidos. A estas empresas les encantaría utilizar su poder de oligopolio para cobrar...
La sesión legislativa 2024 de California ha concluido oficialmente, y es hora de reflexionar sobre las victorias y las derrotas que han configurado el panorama de los derechos digitales de los californianos este año.La EFF supervisó casi 100 proyectos de ley en el estado solo en esta sesión, abordando una...
La Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) acaba de finalizado una norma que le permite averiguar de forma fácil y segura qué banco le ofrece la mejor oferta y cambiarse a él con solamente un par de clics.Nos encantan este tipo de cosas: lo mejor del mundo digital...
A federal court recently ordered Google to make it easier for Android users to switch to rival app stores, banned Google from using its vast cash reserves to block competitors, and hit Google with a bundle of thou-shalt-nots and assorted prohibitions.Each of these measures is well crafted, narrowly tailored, and...
Artificial intelligence dominated the technology talk on panels, among sponsors, and across the trade floor at this year’s annual conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).IACP, held Oct. 19 - 22 in Boston, brings together thousands of police employees with the businesses who want to sell them...
Este año entra en vigor en la UE una nueva legislación compleja y de gran alcance: Ley de Mercados Digitales (DMA), que representa una de las políticas tecnológicas más ambiciosas de la historia europea. No nos gusta todo lo que contiene, pero algunas de sus disposiciones son magníficas, porque...
Safe trick-or-treating this Halloween means being aware of the real monsters of street-level surveillance. You might not always see these menaces, but they are watching you. The real-world harms of these terrors wreak havoc on our communities. Here, we highlight just a few of the beasts.
During Disability Employee Awareness month, we call out the medical tech industry for fighting disabled people's right to repair or modify the tech that they own.
It’s been 25 days since September 29, the day that should have seen British-Egyptian blogger, coder, and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah walk free. His family continues to campaign for the UK government to pressure Egypt for his release.
We at EFF have long recognized the threats posed by the unchecked technological prowess of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Since our founding in 1990, we have been in the forefront of efforts to impose meaningful legal controls and accountability on the secretive activities of those entities, including the National...
EFF has joined with 23 other organizations including the ACLU, Restore the Fourth, the Brennan Center for Justice, Access Now, and the Freedom of the Press Foundation to demand that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) furnish the public with an estimate of exactly how many...
When someone is placed on location monitoring for one purpose, it does not justify law enforcement’s access to that information for a completely different purpose without a proper warrant. EFF joined the Committee for Public Counsel Services, ACLU, ACLU of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, in...