The Department of Defense, also known as the Pentagon after the building in which it is headquartered, is the federal agency responsible for national security and the United States armed forces. It is the largest employer in the world, claiming more than 3 million workers; the Pentagon, in turn, is the largest office building in the world. The Department of Defense is also the federal agency with the most budgetary resources, and regularly accounts for more than half of the United States federal discretionary budget. In 2007, EFF sued the Department of Defense for information about its use of national security letters to gather intelligence within the U.S.

07/05/07 - Part 02
Guidance and model NSLs
07/05/07 - Part 01
Guidance and model NSLs
08/06/07 - Part 22
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 20
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 19
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 18
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 17
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 16
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 15
NSL usage
08/06/07 - Part 14
NSL usage