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Central Intelligence Agency

Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent civilian agency that provides national security intelligence. It is tasked with collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating foreign intelligence to assist the government and senior US policymakers in decision making around national security. The CIA was created by the National Security Act of 1947, signed by President Harry Truman.



This is a 5-page letter dated 9/29/2008 from the Inspector General of CIA to the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence relating to a Report of Investigation. It includes a letter from the CIA Inspector General to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board....


This is a 7-page letter dated 8/7/2008 from an Associate General Counsel of CIA to the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board for the second quarter of 2008. The letter discusses 8 "reportable items." The CIA has redacted all information about these items, even though the letter notes...


August 22, 2001 Letter to Acting Chair of Intelligence Oversight Board, enclosing Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence - January to June 2001


March 15, 2002 Letter from CIA Office of General Counsel to Chair of IOB regarding quarterly report for fourth quarter of 2001 — letter notes there are no "reportable items" but "three informational items of significant interest." Unfortunately, all information about these...


March 2, 2002 Letter from CIA Acting Deputy Inspector General to Acting Chair of Intelligence Oversight Board, enclosing Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence for July to December 2001.


Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence - July to December 2002 — This report mentions that a "Special Assessment was issued on Agency compliance with Executive Order 12333 with respect to electronic surveillance and physical searches directed at US persons." However, all...


February 4, 2003 Letter from CIA Inspector General Office to Chair of Intelligence Oversight Board, enclosing Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence for July to December 2002. The letter notes that there are additional "matters that have recently come to [the letter writer...


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