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Federal Court Rules in Favor of Paper Trail Reform in E-Voting

Los Angeles - A federal judge today ruled that California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley's requirements to ensure the security of electronic voting machines do not violate federal or state law. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, California Voter Foundation,, and Voters Unite! submitted a friend-of-the-court brief and a surreply in...

Cars + WiFi + Digital Music = Induce Bait

EFF Board Member Larry Lessig calls the IICA a "lawyer employment act," arguing that it will "force technologists into court before they get to enter the marketplace" and "shift responsibility for striking the balance in copyright law from Congress to unelected federal judges."
Ford has a...

Meet the Opposition

Four quick pointers on the Inducing Infringements of Copyright Act (a.k.a. Induce Act), which by extending copyright liability to those who "induce" infringement would give copyright holders an incredibly powerful tool to hamper the development of technologies like the iPod:

USA Today: "Internet search giants Google and...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

We Need an Avi for RFIDs

When we envision a worst-case scenario for hacking electronic voting machines, many of us imagine a group of political zealots with a cracker-for-hire, or a lonely teenager looking for his 15 minutes of fame. But what about the people who have relatively easy access to the machines?

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

FCC Commissioner-for-a-Day

Much has been written post-wardrobe incident on the way that the FCC interprets and applies its rules about indecency.
Is swearing in a foreign language okay? How about using slang "code words" for certain body parts or sex acts? Will the FCC give you a break...


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