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EFF Fights for a Better WIPO

For years, progressive groups like the Consumer Project on Technology (CPTech) have struggled to convince the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to rethink its "IP Uber Alles" philosophy -- that is, the pursuit of maximal intellectual property protection for its own sake, regardless of the human, cultural,...

EFF Urges FCC Not to Mandate Surveillance Regime on Internet

Expanded Powers for Law Enforcement Are Dangerously Vague, Invasive Earlier this week, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) objecting to the agency's plan to expand the reach of a law that forces communications service providers to build surveillance backdoors into their...

Anti-Spam Measures Block Free Speech

EFF White Paper Reports on Collateral Damage to Free Expression in the Fight Against Spam San Francisco - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released a white paper (HTML - PDF) describing the effects of anti-spam technologies on free speech. "Noncommercial Email Lists: Collateral Damage in the Fight...

It's the Paper, Stupid

The Associated Press reports that "a hand recount of ballots cast using optical scanning technology gave a Democrat enough extra votes to bump a Republican from victory in a county commissioner's race." According to the article, the scanning system somehow interpreted straight-Democratic Party votes as votes for Libertarians....

EFF, Nonprofits Challenge Secret Government Blacklists

Funding for Charities Should Not Be Tied to Screening Washington, DC - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today joined the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a number of other nonprofit organizations in filing for an injunction from the US District Court in Washington, DC, to stop the federal government...

Sequoia Acknowledges E-voting Problems

One of the most serious problems with touchscreen voting machines reported on Election Day was the misrecording of votes, sometimes called "ghost voting" or "jumping votes." This is when a voter attempts to vote for one candidate and the machine indicates that he or she has voted for another, either...

StreamCast and Grokster File Supreme Court Brief

Judicial Restraint Urged at High Court Washington, DC - Peer-to-peer (P2P) software companies StreamCast Networks and Grokster Ltd. today filed a joint brief urging the US Supreme Court to leave undisturbed the landmark MGM v. Grokster ruling handed down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this year...

Movie Studios to Sue File Sharers

Hollywood Joins Music Industry in Misguided Crusade Today the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) announced that the major Hollywood motion picture studios would be filing hundreds of lawsuits against individuals using peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing software to access movies online. In so doing, Hollywood follows in the footsteps of the...


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