A press release from Senator Ron Wyden states: "The Office of the Director of National Intelligence [ODNI] has now responded to my longstanding question regarding warrantless searches for Americans’ emails and other communications..." The ODNI's response states that in 2013, the NSA "approved 198 U.S. person identifiers for querying the content of communications" and "conducted approximately 9,500 queries" of 702 metadata using U.S. person identifiers. The CIA "conducted fewer than 1900 queries of Section 702 acquired communications," and the FBI could not provide a number because it does not track how many queries it makes using U.S. person identifiers. Notably, the ODNI's response defends the legality of the collection and searching of such information, and denies that it operates as a backdoor into communications that should be protected by the Fourth Amendment.
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Friday, June 27, 2014 (All day)