Following President Obama's official statement on his plans to change Section 215 bulk metadata collection, Attorney General Eric Holder and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issue a joint statement in which they state: "Consistent with both the President’s direction, and with prior declassification decisions, in light of the significant and continuing public interest in the telephony metadata collection program, DNI Clapper declassified the fact that the United States filed an application with the FISC to reauthorize the existing program as previously modified for 90 days, and that today the FISC issued an order approving the government’s application. The order issued today expires on June 20, 2014. The Administration is undertaking a declassification review of this most recent court order. When the review is complete the ODNI will post the documents to its website and"
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Mar 28
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Friday, March 28, 2014 (All day)