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The online world offers the promise of speech with minimal barriers and without borders. New technologies and widespread internet access have radically enhanced our ability to express ourselves; criticize those in power; gather and report the news; and make, adapt, and share creative works. Vulnerable communities have also found space to safely meet,  grow, and make themselves heard without being drowned out by the powerful. The ability to freely exchange ideas also benefits innovators, who can use all of their capabilities to build even better tools for their communities and the world.

In the U.S., the First Amendment grants individuals the right to speak without government interference. And globally, Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) protects the right to speak both online and offline. Everyone should be able to take advantage of this promise. And no government should have the power to decide who gets to speak and who doesn’t.

Government threats to online speakers are significant. Laws and policies have enabled censorship regimes, controlled access to information, increased government surveillance, and minimized user security and safety.

At the same time, online speakers’ reliance on private companies that facilitate their speech has grown considerably. Online services’ content moderation decisions have far-reaching impacts on speakers around the world. This includes social media platforms and online sites selectively enforcing their Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, and similar rules to censor dissenting voices and contentious ideas. That’s why these services must ground their moderation decisions in human rights and due process principles.

As the law and technology develops alongside our ever-evolving world, it’s important that these neither create nor reinforce obstacles to people’s ability to speak, organize, and advocate for change. Both the law and technology must enhance people’s ability to speak. That’s why EFF fights to protect free speech - because everyone has the right to share ideas and experiences safely, especially when we disagree.

Free Speech Highlights

Free Speech is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link

From Mubarak knocking a country offline by pressuring local ISPs to PayPal caving to political pressure to cut off funding to WikiLeaks, this year has brought us sobering examples of how online speech can be endangered. And it’s not only political speech that is threatened – in the United...

A person holding a megaphone that another person speaks through

Section 230

47 U.S.C. § 230The Internet allows people everywhere to connect, share ideas, and advocate for change without needing immense resources or technical expertise. Our unprecedented ability to communicate online—on blogs, social media platforms, and educational and cultural platforms like Wikipedia and the Internet Archive—is not an accident. Congress recognized that...

Free Speech Updates

EFF to California Appellate Court: Reject Trial Judge’s Ruling That Would Penalize Beneficial Features and Tools on Social Media

UPDATE: On December 5, 2024, the California Court of Appeals denied Snap's petition.EFF legal intern Jack Beck contributed to this post.A California trial court recently departed from wide-ranging precedent and held that Snap, Inc., the maker of Snapchat, the popular social media app, had created a “defective” product by...

Lawmakers: Ban TikTok to Stop Election Misinformation! Same Lawmakers: Restrict How Government Addresses Election Misinformation!

In a case being heard Monday at the Supreme Court, 45 Washington lawmakers have argued that government communications with social media sites about possible election interference misinformation are illegal.Agencies can't even pass on information about websites state election officials have identified as disinformation, even if they don't request that any...

young EFF'ers show phones with security icons

Des milliers de jeunes nous ont expliqué pourquoi la loi sur la sécurité des enfants en ligne (KOSA) sera préjudiciable aux mineurs

Avec l'adoption du KOSA, les informations auxquelles je pourrai accéder en tant que mineur seront limitées et censurées, sous prétexte de « me protéger », ce qui relève de la responsabilité de mes parents, PAS du gouvernement. J'ai tellement appris sur le monde et sur moi-même grâce aux médias sociaux,...

تحليل عميق للمشاكل الدستورية لقانون سلامة الأطفال على الإنترنت KOSA

لماذا لا تعتقد مؤسسة الجبهة الإلكترونية أن التغييرات الأخيرة تعمل على تحسين الرقابة التي يفرضها KOSA؟لم تغير النسخة الأخيرة من قانون سلامة الأطفال على الإنترنت (KOSA) وجهة نظرنا النقدية تجاه التشريع. وقد أدت هذه التغييرات إلى قيام بعض المنظمات بإسقاط معارضتها لمشروع القانون، لكننا ما زلنا نعتقد أنه مشروع...

White sihouette of a person on blue background with TikTok logo and censored sticker over face

在支持 TikTok 禁令之前应提出的 5 个问题

在两党的大力支持下,美国众议院本周以 352 票对 65 票通过了 HR 7521,该法案将在全美范围内禁止 TikTok,除非其中国所有者出售这一倍受欢迎的视频应用程序。TikTok 法案在美国参议院的结局尚不明确,但乔·拜登总统已表示,如果这项法案呈递到他的办公桌上,他将签字批准。 立法者们如此迅速地推动一项具有如此重大言论影响的法案着实令人担忧。这让我们中的许多人(包括立法者们自己)几乎没有时间来考虑推动这项法律的实际理由。单独来看,部分论点似乎有些道理,但立法者们仍然需要厘清他们就禁止 TikTok 所给出的混乱理由。在支持 TikTok 法案之前,美国民众应该先建立充分的理解,为此,可以从以下五个问题着手。 1.TikTok 法案关乎的是隐私还是内容?HR 7521 之所以难以讨论,原因之一是其支持者对法案目标的描述前后不一。这项法案是为了解决数据隐私和安全问题,还是针对 TikTok 向美国用户提供的内容? 然而,从立法者们的说法来看,答案似乎很明确,他们推动这项法案的强烈动机在于他们不喜欢 TikTok 提供的内容。众议院关于该法案的报告在描述外国应用程序构成的“明显威胁”时,引用了敌对国家/地区“收集大量关于美国民众的数据、开展间谍活动,并向美国公众推送错误信息、虚假信息和宣传”的能力。本周,该法案的共和党发起人众议员 Mike Gallagher 在 PBS 的《新闻一小时》(Newshour) 节目中表示,TikTok 所引发的两个关切中“更广泛”的一个是,“该平台有可能被用于中国共产党的宣传目的”。 在同一节目中,该法案的民主党共同发起人众议员 Raja Krishnamoorthi 同样表达了对内容的担忧,他称 TikTok 推广了“吸毒工具、青少年的过度性化”以及“很多关于自杀意念的内容”。2.如果 TikTok 法案关乎隐私问题,那立法者们为何不通过全面的隐私法案? TikTok 和其他社交媒体平台收集了用户的大量信息,这些信息的收集方不仅包括政府,还包括私营公司和数据掮客,这种现象确实令人担忧。正因如此,EFF 强烈支持全面的数据隐私立法,这才是直接针对隐私问题的解决方案。出于同样的原因,我们很难相信立法者们关于 TikTok 隐私问题的说法,因为美国国会始终未能通过全面的数据隐私立法,而 TikTok 法案在阻止国内外敌对势力通过各种方式收集、购买和出售我们的数据方面的作用微乎其微。事实上,TikTok...


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