April 4, 2025 - 3:00pm CDT
April 4, 2025 - 1:00pm PDT
Baird Conference Center | Milwaukee, WI

Be sure to catch EFF's talk at CypherCon on Friday, April 4 at 3:00 PM.

Systems of Dehumanization: The Digital Frontlines of the War on Bodily Autonomy

In this presentation I’ll be surveying the years of research I’ve done on the digital surveillance and technology impacts on various movements for bodily autonomy, namely, sex worker rights, trans liberation activism, and most recently, abortion access and reproductive rights. Although at first glance these subject matters may not seem immediately related, I’ll go over the ways that bad internet laws and digital surveillance tactics are replicated across these issue spaces to thwart the overall goal of peoples’ right to their own bodies. 

Circle Track @ 3:00 PM on Friday, April 4
Panelist: EFF Senior Staff Technologist Daly Barnett