Cryptoparty Ann Arbor, a local organization in the Electronic Frontier Alliance, (not EFF) will host this event:
From the Organizers:
Facial Recognition threatens to automate and expand state violence. Join the Ban the Scan A2 Coalition for an online town hall and action planning workshop to learn more about facial recognition, and envision safety for our community beyond surveillance. One crucial step is to ban FR from being used by state and local governments.
Phil Mayor, ACLU of Michigan
Nathan “nash” Sheard, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Moderated by Desirae Simmons, Interfaith Coalition for Peace and Justice
Co-sponsored by:
Interfaith Coalition for Peace and Justice (ICPJ)
Bend the Arc Jewish Action: Greater Ann Arbor
CryptoParty Ann Arbor
Liberate Don’t Incarcerate
Survivors Speak
Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights (WICIR)
7:00pm (ET)
This event is organized not by EFF, but by Cryptoparty Ann Arbor,—a grassroots group participating in the Electronic Frontier Alliance. The EFA is a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to promoting digital rights. Together, we're building a movement to promote freedom of expression, privacy, security, creativity, and access to knowledge.