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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Analysis of the Security and Freedom Ensured Act (S. 1709)

Supported by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers and advocacy groups, the Security and Freedom Ensured Act (SAFE) seeks to correct some of the excesses in the hastily enacted USA PATRIOT Act, which granted broad new powers to law enforcement. SAFE aims to protect Americans’ civil liberties by making modest but...

EFF Analysis Of The Provisions Of The USA PATRIOT Act

On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA PATRIOT Act (PATRIOT) into law. PATRIOT gave sweeping new powers to both domestic law enforcement and international intelligence agencies and eliminated the checks and balances that previously gave courts the opportunity to ensure that such powers were not abused....

Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act (S. 1552)

Supported by organizations from across the political spectrum, the Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act (PRI) seeks to place reasonable limits on the powers granted to law enforcement and intelligence agencies under the USA PATRIOT Act. PRI would amend many of PATRIOT’s most troublesome provisions, reasserting traditional checks and balances...


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