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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

California Gets Paper Trail Law

Terrific late-breaking news. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed the voter-verifiable paper trail bill, ensuring that all Californians will have auditable elections by 2006.
Senators Ross Johnson (R-Orange) and Don Perata (D-Alameda) authored Senate Bill 1438, which requires all electronic voting machines to produce a voter-verifiable paper trail by...

Your Vote Is Safe - We've Got Paperclips

Along with more than two dozen eager international election observers, I recently had the pleasure of observing a live demonstration of one of the controversial electronic voting machines that are in place to record and tabulate millions of American votes on election day.
Results, as they say, were mixed....

Betamax Under Siege - Again

The Senate Judiciary Committee, responding to the hail of brickbats that greeted Senator Hatch's "Induce Act," asked the Copyright Office to propose something that would be more popular with the technology community. Here's the heart of what it came up with:
Whoever manufactures, offers to the public, provides, or...

MSFT About-Face on "Freedom of Music Choice"

As we reported last week, Microsoft's new music download store, MSN Music, advised its frustrated iPod-toting customers to simply burn their purchases to CD, then rip them to an open format like MP3. That way, they could play their MSN Music downloads on their iPod (or any other device)...

MSFT Offers Real "Freedom of Music Choice"

Tech support for Microsoft's new MSN Music service is responding to the incompatibility between its downloads and the iPod by advising its customers to burn the downloads to CD, then rip the CD to a compatible format:
Although Apple computers and Apple iPods do not support the PC...

Speaking of CAPPS III...

Bruce Schneier has a new op-ed questioning the rationale behind checking all air travelers against the government's "no-fly" list, the central feature of the new CAPPS II, "Secure Flight":

Imagine a list of suspected terrorists so dangerous that we can't ever let them fly, yet so innocent that...

No Logs Are Good Logs

Deep in the darkest heart of your servers, there live files known as logs. They contain all manner of intensely revealing information about people who use your systems. Web server logs might show which URLs somebody has visited, for how long, and what they wrote on an anonymous message board....


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