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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Once More Into the Betamax Breach

EFF has represented StreamCast from the beginning of the MGM v. Grokster case. Why? Because from the beginning, this case has been about the entertainment industry's effort to re-fight its war against the Betamax VCR.
The stakes are high: the legal rules laid out in the 1984 ...

EFF Announces Endangered Gizmos List

EFF today unveiled a new campaign to enlist your help in the fight to protect the environment for innovation:

FCC Chairman Michael Powell calls TiVo "God's machine," and its devotees have been known to declare, "You can take my TiVo when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers!"...

Rethinking Recounts

Now that the dust has settled on the majority of the close elections nationwide, we can see more clearly than ever the most disturbing problem caused by using paperless touchscreen voting machines: the recounts were, to put it bluntly, a charade.
The goal of a recount is to ensure...

Why Should Hollywood Have All the Anti-Consumer Fun?

No reason. As the Washington Post reports, you can use pocket-lining tricks like region-coding for all kinds of "content" -- including printer cartridges:H-P has quietly begun implementing "region coding" for its highly lucrative print cartridges for some of its newest printers sold in Europe. Try putting a printer cartridge...

Macworld Editor's Pick for 2004: BitTorrent

We missed this last week, but it's worth noting: the editors of Macworld have given an "Editor's Choice" award to BitTorrent -- despite the fact that it's "championed" by pirates. Why? Editor-in-Chief Jason Snell explains:

[BitTorrent] is one of the most clever technologies we've seen in recent...

Bad Apple

Macworld starts tomorrow, but Apple has been busy for weeks -- sending legal threats to a number of weblog publishers for posting information about new Apple products. EFF is representing two such publishers, AppleInsider and PowerPage, to defend bloggers' right to keep their sources secret:"Bloggers break the...


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