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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Celebrating Sunshine Week

This week is Sunshine Week!

Sunshine Week is an initiative of the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) to raise awareness about the critical importance of public access to government records. This week, EFF joins ASNE and the dozens of other organizations celebrating Sunshine...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

What If It Was CNN?

A Slashdotter tells a personal story illustrating how a trade secret -- or what a company claims is a trade secret -- can be a matter of public importance:

Back in 1995 Steve Young of CNN told me "CNN protects its sources." I was on the phone with him...

What You Can Do About WIPO

Brazilian copyright scholar Pedro de Paranaguá Moniz has drafted a public letter arguing for broad reform in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) -- including putting an end to the procedural blockades the organization has erected to stop public-interest organizations from fully participating in the decisionmaking over ...

Grokster Send-off Party - You're Invited!

The argument for MGM v. Grokster is almost upon us, and we would like to send our team off to the Supreme Court in style. We'd also like to take the chance to thank all our colleagues, friends, and supporters who have helped us immeasurably in preparing for this...

Slowly, Sunshine Creeping Into Texas E-voting Process

Prior to this week, Texas voters were effectively locked out of the decision-making process surrounding the certification of voting technology, electronic or otherwise. In an insular process that unavoidably sheltered them from the concerns of concerned citizens, state examiners previously met in private with e-voting vendors to discuss the pros...

MGM v. Grokster: Intel Speaks

Intel Corporation, "the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductors," has this to say about MGM v. Grokster in its brief [PDF] filed today:

The clear rule of law this Court announced in Sony has served the nation well for more than 20 years. Intel, which provides the digital building...

Who Owns Your Desktop? You Do!

Google's Auto-Link adds links to certain kinds of content that appears on web pages (like a link to Google Maps for addresses, or Amazon for ISBNs).
Some people (like Dan Gillmor) are viewing this with suspicion. (The Trademark Blog has collected the commentary.) They shouldn't. The...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Publius, RIP?

EFF's own Fred von Lohmann has a monthly column at, and fortunately we have the freedom to publish these columns in their entirety here at the EFF website. This month's column is "Publius, RIP?" -- a look at why it's critically important to our society that we...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Legal Clarity for Bloggers

There are two laudable legislative efforts in the works that could help clarify that online journalists are entitled to the same rights and privileges as traditional print journalists.
The first is the national OPEN Government Act (S.394), introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) and co-sponsor Senator Pat Leahy...

Apple Bites Students; the Woz Bites Back

People in the Apple community are upset about the company's legal action against three Canadian students who allegedly posted a developer build of MacOS 10.4 via BitTorrent. Now the publisher of DrunkenBlog has posted responses from 25 members of the Mac community -- including one from none other...


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