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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

A robot painting a self-portrait

How We Think About Copyright and AI Art

Artists are understandably concerned about the possibility that automatic image generators like Stable Diffusion will undercut the market for their work. We live in a society that does not support people who are automated out of a job, and being a visual artist is an already precarious career.In this context,...

students use books and tablets to hide from a spying eye

After Students Challenged Proctoring Software, French Court Slaps TestWe App With a Suspension

In a preliminary victory in the continuing fight against privacy-invasive software that “watches” students taking tests remotely, a French administrative court outside Paris suspended a university’s use of the e-proctoring platform TestWe, which monitors students through facial recognition and algorithmic analysis.TestWe software, much like Proctorio, Examsoft, and other...


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