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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF at BSidesSF 2022

EFF is excited to be back at BSidesSF 2022 at City View at the Metreon in downtown San Francisco! You'll find us in the expo hall all weekend. Stop by and start or renew a membership and learn about the latest work EFF is doing to protect your digital...

EFF at SCaLE 19x

After two long years, EFF is excited to be returning for the 19th Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE)! You'll find us in the expo hall all weekend. Stop by and start or renew a membership and learn about the latest work EFF is doing to protect your digital rights....

how to fix the internet with cindy cohn and danny obrien; making hope with adam savage

Podcast Episode: Making Hope, with Adam Savage

The joy of tinkering, making, and sharing is part of the human condition. In modern times, this creative freedom too often is stifled by secrecy as a means of monetization - from non-compete laws to quashing people’s right to repair the products they’ve already paid for.Adam Savage—the maker extraordinaire best...

(Re)Taking Control of Virtual Spaces

The Learning Cooperative presents the first in a new series of events exploring themes of democracy and its increasing absence in online, and offline, spaces.While the creation of the virtual world started as an emancipatory utopian project, ‘cyberspace’ soon started to fall-under, replicate, and accelerate the same oppressive norms and...


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