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Deeplinks Blog

Mandatory Student ID Cards Contain RFIDs

Parents and Civil Liberties Groups Urge School District to Terminate Use of Tracking Devices NOTE: This is a press release from the ACLU of Northern California that EFF is recirculating for your information. San Francisco - Parents in a northern California public school district and civil liberties groups are urging...

EFF Announces New Privacy Tool

Logfinder Helps Eliminate Unwanted Logging of Personal Data San Francisco, CA - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released logfinder, a software tool to help people reduce the unnecessary collection of personal information about computer users. Often computer network servers automatically log information about who has visited a website and...

Mark Cuban Gets It

If there is one person who understands what the "content" business is going to look like in the 21st century, it is Mark Cuban. First, he built a billion dollar business in webcasting at, long before media moguls were paying attention to "Internet radio." Today, at HDNet,...

Mike Godwin on "Steal This Show"

We loved that this NYT piece reported on EFF's high-definition TV PVR build-ins. We hated that the highly unfortunate title, "Steal This Show," suggests that recording TV programs using a homebrew HDTV PVR is somehow tantamount to stealing. Not surprisingly, so did Public Knowledge's Mike Godwin. Today,...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

In a Nutshell (Again)

Nick Turse: "If you're reading this on the Internet, the FBI may be spying on you at this very moment.
Under provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the Department of Justice has been collecting e-mail and IP (a computer's unique numeric identifier) addresses, without a warrant, using trap-and-trace...

In a Nutshell

CNET Editor Charles Cooper: "In its zeal to put the likes of Grokster and StreamCast Networks out of business, the entertainment industry's challenge might lead to a change in the law that renders potentially important technologies stillborn."

Kill P2P to Save TV?

Among the many briefs supporting Hollywood and the music industry in MGM v. Grokster is one from the National Association of Broadcasters. The NAB represents broadcasters (not cable or satellite-casters, just the ones with free FCC licenses, granted in the name of the "public interest").
Its take...

Bloggers As Journalists: Why We Fight Apple's Subpoenas

James Madison understood that "a popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or tragedy or perhaps both." Legal protections for media sources and unpublished information are critical means for journalists of all stripes to acquire information and communicate it...

Lasica Burns the Broadcast Flag

J.D. Lasica has written a scorching Reason article criticizing Michael Powell's "invisible legacy" -- the broadcast flag technology mandate.
Snippet (emphasis and hyperlink, mine):

In telecom policy, Powell lived up to his deregulation rhetoric. But there's another legacy Powell is bequeathing us, one that has been...

Once More Into the Betamax Breach

EFF has represented StreamCast from the beginning of the MGM v. Grokster case. Why? Because from the beginning, this case has been about the entertainment industry's effort to re-fight its war against the Betamax VCR.
The stakes are high: the legal rules laid out in the 1984 ...


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