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Nominate a Pioneer for EFF's Pioneer Awards

Awards Recognize Leaders on the Electronic Frontier San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is calling for nominations for its 2006 Pioneer Awards -- the annual celebration of leaders on the electronic frontier who extend freedom and innovation in the realm of information technology. Past winners have included Tim...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

TSA Grounds Secure Flight Program... For Now

Citing data security concerns, the TSA on Thursday informed a Senate committee that its controversial Secure Flight program would be delayed indefinitely. In written testimony, the Government Accountability Office also noted that Secure Flight "may not be adequately protected against unauthorized access and use or disruption."
The Secure...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Senators Should Subpoena Ma Bell

Today Senators Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin wrote to the CEOs of AT&T Inc., Sprint Nextel Corp. and Verizon Communications Inc., asking if the telecommunications giants collaborated with the government's domestic spying program, as has been reported in USA Today and many other ...

Google Copies Your Hard Drive - Government Smiles in Anticipation

Consumers Should Not Use New Google Desktop San Francisco - Google today announced a new "feature" of its Google Desktop software that greatly increases the risk to consumer privacy. If a consumer chooses to use it, the new "Search Across Computers" feature will store copies of the user's Word documents...

Final PATRIOT Showdown Deferred As NSA Hearings Loom

Late last year, the tide in Congress began to turn against the PATRIOT Act's sunsetting provisions, as legislators refused to grant a long-term extension. Despite President Bush's call for extension in Tuesday's State of Union, Congress once again put off taking any final action today, only approving a...

CD Copy Protection Firm Promises Fix for Software Problems

SunnComm Agrees to Terms of EFF Open Letter San Francisco - In response to an open letter written by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), SunnComm Technologies, Inc., has outlined what it has done and will do to address potential security problems caused by its MediaMax CD copy-protection software and to...

EFF Sues AT&T to Stop Illegal Surveillance

Telecom Collaborated with NSA to Spy on Customers San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT Tuesday, accusing the telecom giant of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the National Security Agency (NSA) in its massive and illegal...

Chinese New Year: Resolutions for Google

There's not much to say on the legal matter of what Google recently did to its own values, and 1.3 billion people's fundamental freedoms, in order to enter the Chinese market. As an American company, Google can filter and censor its database as much as the China government demands, with...

Supreme Court Tackles Dangerous Patent Ruling

EFF Asks Justices to Consider Critical Free-Speech Implications San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the United States Supreme Court Thursday, asking justices to overturn a court ruling in a patent case with dangerous implications for free speech and consumers' rights. The Public Patent...


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