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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Latest U.S. Free Trade Agreement Contains New Twist

The previous free trade agreements (FTAs) have been particularly troubling for Internet communications since they have required trading partners to treat all temporary reproductions of images and sound files in computer memory as copyright-infringing, but have not exported the fair use limitation of U.S. copyright law: a limitation that provides...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Senate Panel Rejects Dangerous Spying Bill, Demands Details of NSA Program

The Senate Intelligence Committee has affirmatively stated that it will not consider the Bush Administration's dangerous "FISA modernization" surveillance legislation until critical details about the NSA spying program are revealed. Noting that "the Administration's refusal to satisfy these document requests span over a year," the Intelligence Committee demanded "the President's...

Attention Returns to Orphan Works

An "orphan work" is something currently protected by copyright, but whose owner can't be found even with diligent searching. Currently, if someone wants to make a copy of an orphan work (say, for archiving or republication), or use it to create a derivative work (like a compilation or montage)...

Campus Lawsuits Against P2P != Stopping File Sharing

The NPD Group's latest music stats provide yet another reason that the RIAA's war on college students is misguided:
"The 'social' ripping and burning of CDs among friends ? which takes place offline and almost entirely out of reach of industry policing efforts ? accounted for 37 percent of...

Google CEO: We Want All Your Personal Information

Google can already collect and store a staggering amount of personal information - search queries, email records, copies of hard drives' contents, personal calendars, and much more. Collecting these records alone can paint a vivid picture of a user's most private interests and concerns, but apparently Google's just getting started.In...

Major League Baseball Rattles Sabre at Slingbox

We've all heard about the Slingbox, the innovative product that lets you enjoy the TV you've paid for from where ever you might be. Well, here's what Michael Mellis, senior VP and general counsel for Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), had to say about the Slingbox in this...


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