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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

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Mr. Klein Goes to Washington: Initial Press Coverage of AT&T Whistleblower's Discoveries of Illegal Spying

Telecommunications technician and AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein is in Washington D.C. this week, meeting with journalists and congressional staffers to speak out against legislation that aims to immunize lawbreaking telecoms by halting cases like EFF's class-action lawsuit against AT&T. The New York Times and the Washington Post have both...

Right-wing Bloggers and MoveOn Unite on Fair Use of Debate Footage

Last week, an alliance of right-wing bloggers joined the progressive public policy organization MoveOn in opposing the Fox News Channel for sending cease and desist letters to Republican presidential candidates that used Fox News clips in their TV ads. The barrage of cease and desist letters came after Fox...

AT&T Whistleblower to Urge Senate to Reject Blanket Immunity for Telecoms

Washington, D.C. - On Wednesday, November 7, at 10:30am, telecommunications technician and AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein will speak out at a press conference on Capitol Hill, explaining why he is asking lawmakers to reject immunity for telecoms who assisted the Bush administration's spying on millions of Americans.
Klein witnessed...

Video: DMCA Safe Harbors and Viacom v. YouTube

Last week I had the privilege of being on a panel of legal experts to discuss the DMCA's "safe harbors" for online service providers, particularly as they might apply in the Viacom v. YouTube litigation. The video of the event has now been made available, so for those who are...

Fair Use Principles for "UGC"

Today EFF and a group of other public interest groups devoted to protecting free speech and fair use issued a document entitled "Fair Use Principles for User Generated Video Content [PDF] [HTML]." Accompanying the document is a "test suite" of sample videos that EFF believes should not...

Fair Use Advocates Issue Principles for Protecting Online Videos

San Francisco - Online video-hosting services like YouTube have ushered in a new era of free expression online, as well as vigorous copyright enforcement efforts. Today, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of leading public interest groups issued a "Fair Use Principles" document that sets out six concrete...

Bloggers and Civil Libertarians Petition Congress

When it comes to putting the pressure on the Senate to stand against retroactive immunity for telecom lawbreakers, bloggers have taken a vital lead. They helped inspire Chris Dodd to pledge a hold on any Senate bill that contains an amnesty, and prompted Barack Obama's recent unequivocal opposition to immunity.

EFF Wins Reexamination of Bogus Patent

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has won reexamination from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) of a bogus patent threatening mobile information access. The reexamination order is the third granted by the PTO after challenges from EFF's Patent Busting Project.NeoMedia Technologies, Inc., claims to own rights...


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