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Deeplinks Blog

How to Fix the Internet Podcast Episode: Dr. Seuss Warned Us with Alvaro Bedoya

Podcast Episode: Dr. Seuss Warned Us

Dr. Seuss wrote a story about a Hawtch-Hawtcher Bee-Watcher whose job it is to watch his town’s one lazy bee, because “a bee that is watched will work harder, you see.” But that doesn’t seem to work, so another Hawtch-Hawtcher is assigned to watch the first, and then another to...

Greenpeace Stands Up Against SLAPPs And Wins 

The U.S. litigation system is meant to resolve serious disputes. Unfortunately, the high cost of litigation can be weaponized as a means of harassment and censorship. That’s become all too common, and the last few decades have seen the rise of what’s known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation,...

Three pie-eyed.onions play jumprope together, centered in three concentric circles.

EFF Now Has Tor Onions

Today, we’re announcing .onion addresses for and two of its affiliated projects: Certbot, an EFF-developed tool for automatically obtaining and renewing TLS certificates for websites, and Surveillance Self-Defense, which provides resources and guidance for individuals and organizations to protect themselves from surveillance and other security threats.We have been made...

Internal Documents Show How Little the FBI Did to Correct Misuse of Section 702 Databases

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released internal documents used to guide agency personnel on how to search the massive databases of information collected under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, including communications collected without a warrant under Section 702. Despite reassurances from the intelligence community about its “...

Security camera screens display logos for Facebook, YouTube, SnapChat, Twitter, and Reddit

Your Messaging Service Should Not Be a DEA Informant

A new U.S. Senate bill would require private messaging services, social media companies, and even cloud providers to report their users to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) if they find out about certain illegal drug sales. This would lead to inaccurate reports and turn messaging services into government informants.


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