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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

AI Military

Open Data and the AI Black Box

Artificial Intelligence (AI) grabs headlines with new tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2, but it is already here and having major impacts on our lives. Increasingly we see law enforcement, medical care, schools and workplaces all turning to the black box of AI to make life altering decisions– a trend...

Kurt Opsahl Moves to EFF Special Counsel

Longtime EFFer and Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel Kurt Opsahl will be moving on from the Electronic Frontier Foundation after nearly 20 years, on February 1. But we aren’t going to let him go too far: Kurt will continue on as a Special Counsel of EFF. Kurt will be...

Text: CDA 230 The Most Important Law Protecting Internet Speech

Online Speech and The Supreme Court

What Policymakers Need to Know About the First Amendment and Section 230The Supreme Court is about to hear two cases - Twitter v. Taamneh, and Gonzalez v. Google - that could dramatically affect users’ speech rights online, and we invite you to a panel discussing what legislators need to know...


EFF is proud to support USENIX Enigma! This year's conference is in-person at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA. Registration is open!Need to renew your support for EFF from a past Enigma conference? Use this link to browse our membership options, make a donation, and...

EFF at CactusCon

EFF is thrilled to attend CactusCon for the first time in Mesa, AZ! We will have a booth, so be sure to stop by and chat with our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up a special gift...

EFF at ShmooCon

Once again, EFF is excited to be back in Washington, DC for ShmooCon 2023! Stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up a special gift as a token...

Net Neutrality for an Evolving Internet - Hosted by Ofcom

Ofcom is hosting the following event to collect comments from parties to discuss their review of the existing net neutrality rules that govern UK broadband access. "As technology evolves, we’ve been reviewing the net neutrality framework to make sure it still supports innovation and protects consumers. Our ‘Net neutrality for...


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