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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

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Top 10 Things IT Needs to Know About OT

Operational Technology (OT) refers to systems used to monitor events, processes, and devices, and to make adjustments in industrial operations. As these systems and networks converge with enterprise IT, it’s imperative that IT personnel understand the business, cultural, and technical drivers that make OT different. This talk will focus on...
FOIA Flashlight

EFF v. USPS - Social media monitoring (iCOP)

The Postal Service has secretly combed through the online expression of social media users, raising concerns about chilling the privacy and expressive activity of internet users. EFF filed a Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) suit to learn more about the program.On April 21, 2021, Yahoo News reported that the...

Law Enforcement Octopus Conference

Council of Europe’s Actions Belie its Pledges to Involve Civil Society in Development of Cross Border Police Powers Treaty

As the Council of Europe’s flawed cross border surveillance treaty moves through its final phases of approval, time is running out to ensure cross-border investigations occur with robust privacy and human rights safeguards in place. The innocuously named “Second Additional Protocol” to the Council of Europe’s (CoE)...


EFF is excited to be a part of another DEF CON! This year's DEF CON will be a hybrid model, with a limited in-person event and online portion as well. EFF will be in the DEF CON Discord chatting with members and answering any questions you might have about...


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