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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF and Allies Urge Council of Europe to Add Strong Human Rights Safeguards Before Final Adoption of Flawed Cross Border Surveillance Treaty

EFF, European Digital Rights (EDRi), the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), and other civil society organizations have worked closely on recommendations to strengthen human rights protections in a flawed international cross border police surveillance treaty drafted by the Council of Europe (CoE). At a virtual hearing...

OCYD September General Meeting: Digital Privacy and Cybersecurity

Be sure to join Orange County Young Democrats, with guest speaker EFF Associate Director of Policy and Activism Katharine Trendacosta, for their September General Meeting next Wednesday, September 15! We will discuss digital privacy, cybersecurity, and how you can stay protected in this new digital world.

Ethics in Tech - A Conversation with Eva Galperin

From the moment you wake up and check your messages on Facebook or Twitter, to when you set your Google Nest for the night, tech giants wield unprecedented influence over our daily lives. With this enormous power comes an enormous potential for abuse. The information economy has led to profound...

Locational Privacy Urban

Geofence Warrants Threaten Civil Liberties and Free Speech Rights in Kenosha and Nationwide

In the days following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on August 23, 2020, hundreds of protestors marched in the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Federal law enforcement, it turns out, collected location data on many of those protesters. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) used a series...


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