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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The Future of Your Online Privacy

EFF's Andrés Arrieta and Dave Maass will discuss their work as part of "The Future of Your Online Privacy - Hybrid Seminar Series," put on by the Graduate Student Association at the University of Nevada Reno. The series runs Nov. 1-4, with seminars at 12pm - 1pm (Pacific Time) each...

An abstract rube-goldberg machine with references to innovation and open culture

What About International Digital Competition?

Antitrust has not had its moment since the 1911 breakup of Standard Oil. But this past year, policymakers and government leaders around the globe have been taking a hard look at the technology markets. ‘Break up Big Tech’ is the newest antitrust catchphrase. On both sides of the Atlantic, policies...
The logo of the Electronic Frontier Alliance.

S.T.O.P. x RadTech: Worker Surveillance in the Age of COVID

In this session, we’ll examine the expansion of and resistance against both remote and in-person worker surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spying on workers is nothing new in American history, but the rise of remote work has led to unprecedented use of invasive employee monitoring software, such as facial recognition...
hands hold screens with spying eye

Crowd-Sourced Suspicion Apps Are Out of Control

Technology rarely invents new societal problems. Instead, it digitizes them, supersizes them, and allows them to balloon and duplicate at the speed of light. That’s exactly the problem we’ve seen with location-based, crowd-sourced “public safety” apps like Citizen.These apps come in a wide spectrum—some let users connect with those around...


New Global Alliance Calls on European Parliament to Make the Digital Services Act a Model Set of Internet Regulations Protecting Human Rights and Freedom of Expression

The European Parliament’s regulations and policy-making decisions on technology and the internet have unique influence across the globe. With great influence comes great responsibility. We believe the European Parliament (EP) has a duty to set an example with the Digital Services Act (DSA), the first major overhaul of European...


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