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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Tap Dancing Around Wiretaps

During yesterday's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, the Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell tap danced around a critical question about tapping communications. When asked how many Americans were tapped he responded only by saying "there is confusion of what the word tap means," and then downshifted his...

DOJ Testimony Alludes to Massive Scope of Wiretapping

In a House Judiciary hearing today, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Ken Wainstein testified in support of the Administration's request to give the telecom companies a 'get out of jail free' card for their participation in warrantless wiretapping. Wainstein breathlessly warned that the telecoms might otherwise face "crushing...

EFF Hosts Web 2.0 Compliance "Bootcamp"

EFF is hosting a one-day session on October 10, 2007 for Web 2.0 workers who handle issues arising from users and user-generated content.
Does your interactive company have to contend with the maze of laws dealing with user privacy and publishing user content? Want to do the right thing...

Two Leading Technologists Join EFF Board of Directors

Free Culture Leader John Buckman and Privacy and Security Expert Lorrie Faith Cranor Sign on to Distinguished Team San Francisco - The Board of Directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has elected two leading technologists to join its executive board: free culture leader John Buckman and privacy and security...

EFF Seeks Staff Intellectual Property Attorney

Qualified candidates should have at least four years of legal experience, with knowledge in patent law and at least one other IP specialty (copyright, trademark, trade secret). Litigation experience is preferred, including significant experience managing cases, both overall case strategy and day-to-day projects and deadlines. Candidates should have good communication...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

New Video on NSL Privacy Violations & the Constitution

National Security Letters (NSLs) are in the news a lot lately. Earlier in the year, a Justice Department report found that abuses of this powerful investigation tool were rampant, despite repeated statements to the contrary by Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. Then, documents obtained by EFF under the Freedom of Information...


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