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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

2008: DRM continues to punish paying customers

Just three days into the new year, we have another example of DRM punishing paying customers, rather than "pirates." Netflix subscriber Davis Freeberg ran headlong into an incompatibility between Microsoft DRM and ... Microsoft DRM.
The trouble all started when Freeberg bought a new monitor for his...

LimeWire on 1 in 3 Desktops World-Wide

Digital Music News and BigChampagne report that 36.4% of all PCs world-wide have LimeWire installed, based on system scans of 1.6 million machines.This is worth noting for at least two reasons. First, it reminds everyone that when it comes to digital music, the main event is still P2P file-sharing,...

EFF's 17th Birthday Party

After a day at Macworld, join EFF in celebrating our 17th year of defending digital rights! Since 1990, EFF has been there fighting for freedom and civil liberties.
The birthday bash will be on January 15, 7-11 PM, at 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco. Headliners Adrian &...

EFF Protects Free Speech Rights for New Jersey Blogger

Manalapan, NJ - A Superior Court judge in New Jersey quashed a bogus subpoena for the identity of an anonymous blogger Friday, protecting the free speech rights of a critic writing about a local government controversy.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) represented the anonymous blogger, known as "daTruthSquad," on...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Apple and Think Secret Settle Lawsuit

Today, Apple news site Think Secret announced it has settled Apple's lawsuit against it. While the terms have not been disclosed, "no sources were revealed and Think Secret will no longer be published."The Think Secret suit, filed several years ago, sought to hold Think Secret liable for posting news...

New FOIA Reform Bill Passes House & Senate

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a rare example of a government program that actually serves the public. Journalists, citizens, and all sorts of public interest organizations (EFF included) use FOIA to bring to light government documents and information that would otherwise remain hidden from public view.

Friday Court Fight Over Blogger's Free Speech Rights

Freehold, NJ - On Friday, December 21, at 10:30 a.m. ET, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will urge a Superior Court judge in New Jersey to preserve the free speech rights of an anonymous blogger facing legal threats from local government officials.
The blogger, writing as "daTruthSquad" on a...

EFF at Macworld Expo

Visit the EFF booth at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco. Booth number to be announced.


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