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Deeplinks Blog

Judge Refuses to Release Critical Documents in AT&T Surveillance Case

Klein Declaration and Other Internal Documents to Stay Sealed for Now San Francisco - A federal judge in San Francisco today denied requests from media groups to unseal critical evidence in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT. EFF's suit accuses the telecom giant of collaborating with the...

Media Giant Bullies Internet Critic

Discovery Communications Tries to Chill Speech with Baseless Legal Claims San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) warned Discovery Communications, Inc., today to cease its demands for the removal of an online template that uses humor to help people criticize the media company. The "SpankMaker," located at, helps...
Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Film Insurers Recognize Fair Use

Copyright law has long caused headaches for documentary filmmakers. Fair use allows for the use of brief excerpts of copyrighted material, but that doesn't stop some copyright holders from threatening lawsuits and demanding exorbitant licensing fees. Unless they clear every snippet, filmmakers are generally unable to get "errors and omissions"...

Eli Lilly Loses Effort to Censor Zyprexa Documents Off the Internet

Judge Rescinds Injunction Against Wiki, Other Websites New York - A U.S. District Court judge today refused Eli Lilly's request to ban a number of websites from publishing leaked documents relating to Zyprexa, Eli Lilly's top-selling drug. Although the judge rejected the First Amendment arguments made by a variety of...

Schneier: Why Microsoft Sold Out Consumers in Vista

Today, the PC industry needs Hollywood more than Hollywood needs the PC. Most consumers rely on traditional consumer electronics devices to view DVDs and TV content, but companies like Microsoft are betting on the converged digital home and desperately want a bigger piece of the media device market. Because of...

EFF Fights to Unmuzzle Citizen Journalists

Free Speech Rights At Stake in Legal Battle Over Controversial Drug Zyprexa New York - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) told a judge Wednesday to remove the legal muzzle on citizen journalists caught up in a court battle over documents relating to the controversial prescription drug Zyprexa. EFF argues that...

EFF Battles Gambit to Freeze Telecom Surveillance Cases

Friday Hearing on Motion to Stay Proceedings During Appeal San Francisco - On Friday, February 9, at 2 p.m., the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will argue that lawsuits against a number of major telecommunications companies for illegally assisting the National Security Agency (NSA) in spying on millions of ordinary Americans...


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