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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Worrying Developments in the Keith Henson Case

We've been watching with concern the latest turns in the long-running battle between Keith Henson and the Church of Scientology, arising in part due to online criticism of the Scientologists by Henson and others on the alt.religion.scientology newsgroup.
As it stands now, Henson, an engineer, programmer and long time...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

House Intel Committee to Investigate NSA Spying

Today, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes announced [PDF] plans for hearings on the NSA spying program. Investigations of this still-shadowy surveillance are long overdue, and we're hopeful that this is only the beginning of vigorous Congressional oversight.
In particular, Reyes' stated intention to dig into the telecommunications...

Novell and EFF Team Up to Reform Software Patents

Organizations Will Jointly Lobby Governments and International Organizations Novell to Support EFF 'Patent Busting' Initiative San Francisco (Open Source Business Conference) - Novell and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today announced they are teaming up to work on reforms to software patents worldwide. "It is increasingly obvious that software patents...

Action Alert: Fight the Justice Department's Copycrime Proposal!

Should ordinary Americans face jail time for attempted copyright infringement? Should the sort of property forfeiture penalties applied in drug busts also threaten P2P users, mixtape makers, and mash-up artists? Of course not, but the Department of Justice (DoJ) has drafted [PDF] an outrageous legislative proposal that applies these...

'Electric Slide' Creator Calls Off Online Takedown Campaign

Agreement Ends Copyright Threats Over Non-Commercial Use of Popular Dance San Francisco - The man who claims to have created "The Electric Slide" has agreed to call off his online video takedown campaign and to stop threatening people using the popular line dance for non-commercial purposes. Instead, he's making the...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Senators Press AG Gonzales on NSA Spying Testimony

In light of former Deputy Attorney General James Comey's testimony before the Senate yesterday, four senators pressed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for more answers about the NSA spying program:
"Specifically, Mr. Comey testified that you and former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card went to Mr. Ashcroft's...


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