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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Documents Detail Pentagon Demands for Financial Records

Today the New York Times published an article based on Freedom of Information Act documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which provide a glimpse into the Defense Department's use of National Security Letters to collect bank and credit information in certain Pentagon investigations. According to the story:

EFF Website Overhaul!

As you may have noticed if you're hitting the site directly, rather than our RSS feeds, we've just launched a full site redesign and restructure. It's been a long time coming, and we're way excited about it!
We’ve made some design and navigational changes that should be immediately apparent....

Illegal Government Surveillance Opens Door to More Privacy Violations

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) told a congressional committee today that the government's illegal dragnet electronic surveillance opens the door to even more privacy violations for ordinary Americans.
The sheer volume of personal information collected and the databases in which that information is stored create a...

Capitol v. Thomas: The Key Appeal Issue

In the upcoming appeal of the $222,000 judgment against Ms. Jammie Thomas, the outcome will likely turn on Jury Instruction #15, which equates "making available" with "distributing" a copyrighted work. If the appeals court rejects that jury instruction, the verdict against Ms. Thomas would have to be thrown...


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