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Deeplinks Blog

Berkeley Law Symposium - California Constitutional Privacy at 50: Power of State Law and Promoting Racial Justice in the Digital Age

California Constitutional Privacy at 50: Power of State Law and Promoting Racial Justice in the Digital Age4th Annual BTLJ-BCLT Fall SymposiumThe symposium will bring together leading academics and practitioners to explore the landscape of California’s constitutional right to privacy at age 50, highlight how the right is currently used to...

EFF at DragonCon 2023

Join EFF at DragonCon! We're excited to be back with a membership booth in the Hilton and bunch of talks on the Electronic Frontiers Forum track @ DragonCon.Join the CauseCome find us in the Hilton—next to the escalators—to talk about the latest in online rights, get on our action alerts...

Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 35.10

Need to catch up on the latest in the digital freedoms movement? EFF has you covered with our EFFector newsletter, featuring updates, upcoming events, and more! Our newest issue covers work around various censorship bills like KOSA, the illegal spying law Section 702, and features our thoughts about surveillance and...

Portland's TA3M: Expanding the Scope of Their Work in PDX

Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meet-up designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in issues like censorship, surveillance, and open technology. Portland’s TA3M continues to focus on educational events and recently expanded that focus to include privacy, security, and sometimes other tech-related topics. Here, EFF...

Picture of 2017 EFF Award Winners and staff

Join Us At the 2023 EFF Awards

WHAT ARE THE EFF AWARDS?For over thirty years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has presented awards recognizing key leaders and organizations advancing innovation and championing digital rights. The EFF Awards celebrate the accomplishments of people working toward a better future for technology users, both in the public eye and behind...

Something Digital

EFF Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian C. York, will be keynoting Brisbane's Something Digital conference on the topic of digital dissent and protecting free expression in a connected world.


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