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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

2021 Year in Review: EFF Graphics

EFF's small design team sometimes struggles to keep up with the frenetic pace of our activist, legal and development colleagues. Whenever EFF launches a new legal case, activism campaign, tech project, or development campaign, we try to create unique and inspiring graphics to promote it. At EFF, we find that...

2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

2021 Year In Review: Sex Online

We don’t entrust Internet companies to be arbiters of morality. We shouldn't hand them the responsibility of making broad cultural decisions about the forms that sexuality is allowed to take online.
2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

Where Net Neutrality Is Today and What Comes Next: 2021 in Review

When all is said and done—and there are some major steps to take in 2022—the United States will mark 2021 as the last year without net neutrality protections. This will undo the 2017 repeal and once again put the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) back work doing its job: protecting consumers...
2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

In 2021, We Told Apple: Don't Scan Our Phones

Strong encryption provides privacy and security for everyone online. We can’t have private conversations, or safe transactions, without it. Encryption is critical to democratic politics and reliable economic transactions around the world. When a company rolls back its existing commitments to encryption, that’s a bad sign. In August, Apple made...

2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

Vaccine Passports: 2021 in Review

2021 has been the year of vaccines, in light of the continuing worldwide pandemic. It has also been the year of vaccine passports. To fully tell this story, let’s go back to 2020, because the term vaccine passport as many people use it has changed since then. Early in the...

2021 numbers in retro stripes against black

Stalkerware: 2021 in Review

Stalkerware—that is, commercially-available apps that can be covertly installed on another person’s device for the purpose of monitoring their activity without their knowledge or consent—is nothing new, but 2021 has underscored just how prevalent and dangerous these apps continue to be and how important it is for companies and government...


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