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Deeplinks Blog

You Can't Resell This Software Even if it Sucks

When seamstress Laura Flores first heard about a software product called Dress Shop that would help her make and print dress patterns, she was thrilled. At last, she could customize classic dress designs on her computer -- and, according to the ads, it would be "fast, fun and easy." At...

What's the Urgency About Emergency 911?

Earlier this week, EFF joined a bunch of other groups -- the Center for Democracy and Technology, the Computer & Communications Industry Association, and -- in filing comments [PDF] before the FCC about how the agency should handle making Emergency 911 (E911) features available on next-generation IP phones....

Anonymous Online Critics Should Not Be Silenced by Lawsuit

EFF Opposes Subpoenas Seeking to Reveal the Identities of Web Writers, Bloggers Utah - A case brought in a US district court by a Utah man threatens to undermine the First Amendment right to speak anonymously on issues of public concern. In Merkey v. Yahoo SCOX et al., the plaintiff...
students use books and tablets to hide from a spying eye

Privacy Advisory - Leave My Child Alone!

Did you know that President Bush's No Child Left Behind Act mandates that public high schools turn over private student contact information to local military recruiters or risk losing federal education funding? Not only that, but the Pentagon has compiled a database of more than 30 million young people, including...

Victory in US v. Councilman Case

Appeals Court Preserves Email Privacy Massachusetts - In a long-awaited decision, the full First Circuit Court of Appeals today overturned a First Circuit panel decision that had allowed an email service provider to secretly monitor the content of users' incoming messages without violating federal wiretap law. The Electronic Frontier...

EFF Announces Two New Hires

Corynne McSherry Joins Legal Staff Nicole Nguyen Heads Membership San Francisco, CA - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is pleased to announce the addition of two people to our staff. Corynne McSherry, a Staff Attorney, will be filling out the organization's legal team of intellectual property experts. Nicole Nguyen joins...


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