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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Podcast logo + Chris Lewis photo

Podcast Episode: You Bought It, But Do You Own It?

Episode 006 of EFF’s How to Fix the InternetChris Lewis joins EFF hosts Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they discuss how our access to knowledge is increasingly governed by click-wrap agreements that prevent users from ever owning things like books and music, and how this undermines the legal doctrine...

Event info and panelist images

The Surveillance State, Social Safety, and Building Power

Join nash, EFF's Associate Director of Community Organizing, for Rise Up for Justice Livestream #5:The Surveillance State, Social Safety, and Building PowerFrom the organizers:Advances in technology over the past few decades have improved our lives in countless ways. Yet, these advances have come as a double-edged sword. While technology has...

Section 230 is Good, Actually

Even though it’s only 26 words long, Section 230 doesn’t say what many think it does. So we’ve decided to take up a few kilobytes of the Internet to explain what, exactly, people are getting wrong about the primary law that defends the Internet.Section 230 (47 U.S.C. § 230) is...

Podcast logo + Abi Hassan photo

Podcast Episode: From Your Face to Their Database

Episode 005 of EFF’s How to Fix the InternetAbi Hassen joins EFF hosts Cindy Cohn and Danny O’Brien as they discuss the rise of facial recognition technology, how this increasingly powerful identification tool is ending up in the hands of law enforcement, and what that means for the future of...

Green banner with pink "Power Up" text

Double the Impact of Every Donation

Power Up Your Donation Week has begun! EFF is calling on tech users everywhere to give today and instantly double their impact on Internet freedom while the world needs it most.Power UpDOnate today and get an automatic 2x match!For one week starting on #GivingTuesday, anyone who donates to EFF...


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