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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Podcast Episode: A Better Future Starts with Secret Codes

Podcast Episode 105Law enforcement wants to force companies to build a backdoor to the software that runs on your phones, tablets, and other devices. This would allow easier access to the information on your device and the information that flows through it, including your private communications with others, the websites...

مؤسسة الجبهة الإلكترونية نيابة عن ناشطة حقوقية سعودية، تقاضي صانع برامج التجسس دارك ماتر لانتهاك قوانين مكافحة القرصنة الأمريكية والقوانين الدولية لحقوق الإنسان

English version بورتلاند، أوريغون - رفعت مؤسسة الجبهة الإلكترونية (EFF) دعوى قضائية اليوم نيابة عن الناشطة السعودية البارزة في مجال حقوق الإنسان لجين الهذلول ضد شركة دارك ماتر لبرامج التجسس وثلاثة من مديريها التنفيذيين السابقين بتهمة اختراق جهاز آيفون الخاص بها بشكل سري غير قانوني لتتبع اتصالاتها وأماكن وجودها.الهذلول...

Cindy Cohn at PrivChat's Privacy Is a Human Right

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn at TorProject’s PrivChat Privacy is a Human Right virtual event. In this 6th edition of PrivChat, we're bringing together a group of panelists with direct experience as activists or working with activist groups who will talk about their experiences with surveillance and privacy.Cindy Cohn, will be...

EFF, Partners Launch New Edition of Santa Clara Principles, Adding Standards Aimed at Governments and Expanding Appeal Guidelines

San Francisco—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of civil society organizations and academics today released the second edition of the Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and Accountability In Content Moderation, adding standards directed at government and state actors to beef up due process and expanding guidelines for...


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