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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

U.S. Senate and Biden Administration Shamefully Renew and Expand FISA Section 702, Ushering in a Two Year Expansion of Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance

One week after it was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate has passed what Senator Ron Wyden has called, “one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.” President Biden then rushed to sign it into law.


EFF is excited to be at USENIX PEPR for the first time! Be sure to stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the latest news in defending digital freedom for all. You can even pick up unique EFF gear as a...

Congress: Don't Let Anyone Own The Law

We should all have the freedom to read, share, and comment on the laws we must live by. But yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 19-4 to move forward the PRO Codes Act (H.R. 1631), a bill that would limit those rights in a critical area. Now that this bill...

NetChoice Must-Carry Litigation

The Supreme Court is considering the validity of two state laws that allows the government to dictate what speech and viewpoints online social media service must publish. The laws enacted by Texas and Florida violate the First Amendment and will lead to greater censorship of users' speech and the loss...

Members- Only Speakeasy

EFF Members' Speakeasy: Seattle

Join EFF staff and local online rights supporters for a Speakeasy meetup! Raise a glass and discover EFF's latest work defending digital freedoms online. This event is a free, casual gathering to give you a chance to mingle with local EFF supporters and meet the lawyers, activists, and technologists behind...

How Political Campaigns Use Your Data to Target You

Data about potential voters—who they are, where they are, and how to reach them—is an extremely valuable commodity during an election year. And while the right to a secret ballot is a cornerstone of the democratic process, your personal information is gathered, used, and sold along the way. It's not...


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