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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Why One Angry Customer Broke AACS

Slyck News has posted an interview with muslix64, the coder responsible for the BackUpHDDVD tool that helps movie fans get around the next-gen DVDs' DRM restrictions. Muslix64 makes plain that he's no "pirate" -- he's just an "angry customer" who wanted to play his lawfully-acquired movie on his own...

EFF Warns ABC to Back Off Blogger

Bogus Copyright Infringement Claims Violate Law San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) warned ABC, Inc. Thursday not to pursue its bogus copyright infringement claims against 'Spocko' -- a blogger who sparked nationwide debate over a San Francisco radio station -- and asked the media giant to retract its...

HDCP, Screwing Fans in More Ways Than Ever

Ars Technica (via Tim Lee) explains some of the many ways that HDCP restrictions will break compatibility with your digital video devices. HDCP restricts connections to video displays through DVI (including HDMI) digital outputs, so that content can only be outputted to hobbled, DRM-restricted systems. You may have...

Roll Call Op-Ed: E-Voting Transparency Needed Now

The Election Assistance Commission is charged with ensuring that our voting systems are reliable and secure. Each machine is "supposed" to be subjected to rigorous tests before being certified, and the EAC was recently empowered to oversee that process.
At least that's the theory. As Aaron Burstein and Joseph...

More Signs of Music Download DRM Fading

Apparently, this year's MIDEM conference, the music industry's international trade show, took place in a parallel universe where the major record labels may be willing to ditch music download DRM. And this parallel universe may be coming to an online store near you in 2007.
According to the...


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