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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Consumers, Librarians, and Innovators Tell EU 'We're Not Criminals'

Coalition Submits Fixes to European Parliament to Prevent Vague New Copyright Crimes Brussels - The Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) European Office today announced a broad coalition aimed at fixing a poorly drafted intellectual property enforcement proposal that could make criminals of thousands of people in the European Union. The Second...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Washington Rejects REAL ID

Last week, Washington passed legislation rejecting implementation of the costly, privacy-invasive the REAL ID Act. REAL ID essentially forces states to create a national ID, requiring standardization of drivers licenses and the creation of a vast national database linking all of the ID records together. Thankfully, there's...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

A Win for Kids' Free Speech Rights

A ruling in the Indiana Court of Appeals this week gave a middle school student her free speech rights back.
The girl, who is called "A.B." in the court record, had posted comments on a MySpace page criticizing her school's policy on body piercings. The post was full...

EFF Sues Justice Department for Immediate Release of NSL Abuse Records

Public Needs Critical Information About FBI's Abuse of Surveillance Power Washington, D.C. - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has asked a judge to issue an emergency order requiring the FBI to immediately release agency records about its abuse of National Security Letters (NSLs) to collect Americans' personal information. Congressional hearings...

Recording Industry Target Deserves Day in Court

RIAA Must Face Consequences of Meritless File-Sharing Lawsuits San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a brief with a New York district court, urging a judge to allow the target of a recording industry lawsuit to fight back with counterclaims of his own. The Recording Industry Association...
Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Dontdatehimgirl Suit Dismissed

A Pennsylvania judge has dismissed a lawsuit against the controversial website, ruling that he did not have jurisdiction over the Florida-based site.
But the jurisdiction question was not the only problem with this suit. Dontdatehimgirl is a forum created for women to share information about men, and...

European Union Flag with Circuit Board Background

Don't Let Europe Turn Its Citizens into Copycriminals!

On April 24th, the European Parliament will vote on IPRED2, the Second Intellectual Property Enforcement Directive. With one stroke, they risk turning thousands of innocent EU citizens and businesses into copycriminals.
If IPRED2 passes in its current form, "aiding, abetting, or inciting" copyright infringement "on a commercial scale"...


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