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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Monitor Election Problems Nationwide with

San Francisco - Reporters, bloggers, and voters across the country can monitor problems at the polls on Election Day on, a project built and hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on behalf of Election Protection, the nation's largest nonpartisan voter protection coalition, and its toll-free voter-assistance hotline,...

Printer Dots

EFF's "Yellow Dots of Mystery" on Instructables

Since late 2004, EFF has been warning the public about "printer dots" -- tiny yellow dots that appear on documents produced by many color laser printers and copiers. These yellow dots form a coded pattern on every page the printer produces and can be used to identify specific details about...

FCC Chair Supports Moving Forward on White Space Tech

Last Wednesday, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Kevin Martin spoke in favor of opening up "white spaces" at a press conference while the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) published its much-anticipated report on white space technology trials. The Commissioners also announced plans to vote on...

TV Networks Must Stop Blocking Election Videos on YouTube

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of public interest groups called on four television networks today to stop stifling vibrant political debate on the Internet with overreaching copyright claims and proposed two measures to help YouTube protect online political speech in the final days before...

Bush Signs Intellectual Property Enforcement Bill

On Monday, President Bushed signed a controversial intellectual property enforcement bill into law. This set of proposals for heightened intellectual property enforcement first appeared at the end of 2007 in the House's original PRO IP Act. The winding history of the bill not only sheds light on the agenda of...

EFF Attorneys Kevin Bankston and Marcia Hofmann Speak on FOIA and Surveillance

On Saturday, October 18, EFF Attorneys Kevin Bankston and Marcia Hofmann join attorney Jon Eisenberg and CNET's Declan McCullagh for a panel "on Post 9/11 Secrecy in Government Intelligence and Law Enforcement" at the California First Amendment Coalition's (CFAC) Free Speech and Open Government Assembly. From the panel description: "The...

EFF Challenges Constitutionality of Telecom Immunity in Federal Court

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Thursday challenged the constitutionality of a law aimed at granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the president's illegal domestic wiretapping program.
In a brief filed in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, EFF argues that the flawed...

Do You Need An Exemption from the DMCA?

Every three years, the U.S. Copyright Office undertakes a rule-making to consider whether the DMCA's ban on circumventing technological protection measures (e.g., DRM and other "access control" restrictions) is interfering with noninfringing uses of copyrighted materials. The Copyright Office has announced that those interested in requesting...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

YouTube Responds to McCain Campaign's Letter

Yesterday, we wrote about the McCain-Palin campaign's letter to YouTube, highlighting how DMCA takedown notices can make online speech disappear from the Internet, even when the claims of infringement plainly lack any merit.
Today, we bring you YouTube's response. YouTube's response points out, much like we did yesterday,...

McCain Campaign Feels DMCA Sting

Yesterday, the McCain-Palin campaign sent a letter to YouTube describing the troubles it has been having with bogus DMCA takedowns targeting its videos:
[O]verreaching copyright claims have resulted in the removal of non-infringing campaign videos from YouTube, thus silencing political speech. Numerous times...


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