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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Sequoia Acknowledges E-voting Problems

One of the most serious problems with touchscreen voting machines reported on Election Day was the misrecording of votes, sometimes called "ghost voting" or "jumping votes." This is when a voter attempts to vote for one candidate and the machine indicates that he or she has voted for another, either...

StreamCast and Grokster File Supreme Court Brief

Judicial Restraint Urged at High Court Washington, DC - Peer-to-peer (P2P) software companies StreamCast Networks and Grokster Ltd. today filed a joint brief urging the US Supreme Court to leave undisturbed the landmark MGM v. Grokster ruling handed down by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this year...

Movie Studios to Sue File Sharers

Hollywood Joins Music Industry in Misguided Crusade Today the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) announced that the major Hollywood motion picture studios would be filing hundreds of lawsuits against individuals using peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing software to access movies online. In so doing, Hollywood follows in the footsteps of the...

New Orleans E-voting Meltdown - 80+ Incidents Reported

It looks like New Orleans is becoming a major hotspot for voting problems: there are reports through the EIRS of more than 80 incidents, some involving entire precincts, with the 1-866-OUR-VOTE hotline ringing off the hook.
"In a situation like this, election officials should start offering people paper...

Where's the Paper?

There are new reports today through the Election Incident Reporting System (EIRS) of machine failure in many precincts in Philadelphia. This is resulting in long lines and some people leaving without voting. While some machines have been fixed, others are reportedly still not working.

The good news: poll workers...

Bad Memory Card Compromises 13,000 Ballots

According to Local 6, about 13,000 ballots in Florida were put in jeopardy today because of a bad memory card in an optical-scan voting machine. When the error was discovered, representatives from both parties were notified and the ballots were removed from the site and placed in a vault....

Presidential Votes Miscast on E-voting Machines Across the Country

Voters from at least half a dozen states reported that touch-screen voting machines had incorrectly recorded their choices, including for president. Voters discovered the problems when checking the review screen at the end of the voting process. They found, to their surprise, that the machines indicated that they voted for...

Safety Tips for Voters

David Dill has prepared a terrific tip sheet that may help you avoid the e-voting problems we've seen crop up during early voting:

1. Prepare before going to the polls. Mark your votes in advance on the sample ballot that was mailed to you.


Got Expert?

There's a brand new weblog that's a must-read for everyone concerned about the problems with e-voting:

It's helmed by leading computer security experts and researchers who have volunteered to be "on call" during the election to help voters, poll watchers, reporters, and others understand what's really going...


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