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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF15: How I Became a Geek Crusader

I hope you're not reading this blog entry using somebody's open wireless network. It could get you arrested for trespassing. Earlier this month, a Florida man was arrested for sitting outside somebody's house in his car and using their open wifi network. What the hell? The network...

EFF15: The Best Laid Plans . . .

I didn't plan to become a copyfighter.As a fresh-faced grad student, I was planning to spend my life as an academic, writing about the social construction of property through the lens of feminist legal theory. But the plan started going a little haywire when I started looking...

EFF15: No Place I'd Rather Be

Contrary to what you might imagine, watching Elvis and Xena the Warrior Princess casually saunter by doesn't necessarily mean that you've lost your mind. For me, it meant that I was finally home.Rumor has it that working for EFF is a spectacularly cool gig. The secret's out: It...

Secret Documents About Indymedia Server Disappearance Unsealed

Government Order Demanded Only Logs Web Host Rackspace Handed Over Server San Antonio, TX - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) last week won a motion allowing it to access sealed court documents about the mysterious disappearance of two web servers used to host news websites for Indymedia, a global collective...

EFF Launches Cooperating Techs Listserv

Service Will Connect Technologists with Civil Liberties CasesAre you a technologist interested in helping out on civil liberties cases? Are you an attorney looking for some help understanding technical issues in lawsuits? EFF is setting up a listserv to help connect technologists to attorneys on cases that are core to...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Decision in Nitke Case Leaves Web Publishers at Risk

Posting sexually explicit images on the Internet just got a lot more dangerous. On Monday, a vague, overbroad law that leaves millions of people vulnerable to prosecution for online obscenity was allowed to stand.
A three-judge panel in the Southern District of New York handed down the long-awaited...

Equal Opportunity IP

When word got out recently that a trademark application for the San Francisco-based nonprofit group Dykes on Bikes was rejected, EFF did some further research into the grounds for rejection.
It turns out that despite the more than 400 pages of scholarship submitted in support of the application,...

TSA Continues Secure Flight Deception

Last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reaffirmed [PDF] in a letter to Congress that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) violated the Privacy Act, lying to the public about collecting and using private data in testing Secure Flight. The letter also reveals that the TSA collected over 100...


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