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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Rush Speaks

Representative Holt took a moment from his busy day to express his thanks to the hundreds of volunteer lobbyists and to reiterate his strong belief that his bill needs to be passed:
"These people came to Washington on their own -- on their own time, at their own expense...

NYTimes Editorial Endorses HR 550

Although "endorses" is a bit of an understatement: "Every member of Congress who cares about American democracy should get behind Mr. Holt's bill." The editorial reads with a familiar, almost exasperated tone, one begging the obvious question: how can there still be any disagreement about this?
Kudos to...

Lobbyist: Will Travel

How much impact can citizen lobbyists have on the legislative process? Plenty, says Warren Stewart, Director of Legislative Issues and Policy for Vote Trust USA, who generously, breathlessly, called to share his thoughts in his three free minutes between lobbying meetings.
"I've been genuinely impressed by the quality...

Fighting Infringement on Campus Peer-to-Peer Networks

New EFF White Paper Helps Universities Understand Their Options San Francisco - With entertainment companies now suing thousands of college students for using the high-speed Internet2 network for filesharing, universities are under more pressure than ever to address the problem of copyright infringement on campus networks. In doing so, they...

Release the Hounds

How does one become a voting lobbyist? Enthusiastic activists from 26 states are just now finishing up three hours of training from event coordinators that included a briefing on HR 550 and similar Senate legislation, a run-down on how to conduct a successful and effective meeting with Congressional staff, media...

Transparent Lobbying Meets Transparent Voting

Feel like your democracy is a bit opaque these days? Beginning tomorrow, EFF will help shed a little light in two interconnected ways. On Thursday and Friday, June 9th and 10th, EFF will provide a series of weblog reports of a two-day lobbying effort by a coalition of activist groups...

Transparent Lobbying for E-voting Reform This Week

EFF to Provide Live Reports on Lobbying Blitz for E-voting Reform Bill San Francisco, CA - Tomorrow and Friday, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will provide a series of weblog reports on a two-day lobbying effort by a coalition of activist groups fighting for transparent, auditable electronic voting. The...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Websites Invade Your Privacy to Charge You More

CNN has a report detailing an unsavory practice euphemistically called "price customization." In short, websites examine the web data you automatically shed (cookies, IP address, etc.) so they can charge you a different price for a product or service depending on your "identity" and shopping habits.
The article...

What Does Apple's Switch to Intel Mean for DRM?

Apple fans who don't like digital rights managment (DRM) have been fretting about Apple's announcement Monday that it will move from the "PowerPC" to the Intel architecture. The Intel hardware platform is seen as more DRM-laden because of Intel's high-profile involvement in various DRM initiatives (something it's quite ...


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