The Rock Against the TPP concert tour continues to gather steam as it makes its way around the country, giving voice to users whose concerns about the Trans-Pacific Partnership are being ignored. This Friday, the event will hit San Francisco, and there's still time for you to claim your free tickets. Hip hop stars Dead Prez and punk legend Jello Biafra are headlining the event, joined by nine other acts in an event that will rock long into the night. EFF will also be there, as well as at a teach-in on the following day, to explain how the secretive deal will impact your digital rights.
Watch some exciting footage from previous events in Seattle and Portland in the video below:

We are also delighted to announce three new tour dates around the country (and, for the first time, across the border!), leading all the way up to the post-election lame duck period in November, when the chances of the agreement being presented to Congress are highest. Each of these concerts will be free, open to all ages, and accessible to those with disabilities. The new dates are:
- September 16: Toronto, ON, featuring Anti-Flag, Rebel Diaz, Evan Greer, Taina Asili, Test Their Logik, New Tradition, Mineta, and DJ Dynamic.
- October 7: Boston, MA, featuring Mirah, Debo Band, Foundation Movement, Taina Asili, Bell's Roar, and Evan Greer.
- November 30: Washington, DC, with a line-up to be announced soon.
The artists and organizers of the Rock Against the TPP concerts come from a variety of political backgrounds and are concerned about a diversity of issues. One key issue that EFF and the other groups share is a concern about the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions that entitle foreign companies to sue the United States government over laws or regulations that hurt their business, even if those laws or regulations are in the broader public interest.
Additionally, EFF has some more specific concerns, including but not limited to the extension of the term of copyright in half of the TPP countries, rules that would prevent other countries from improving their copyright safe harbor laws, and criminal penalties for whistleblowers and journalists. You won't hear much about these other shortcomings in the TPP from some of the big tech companies, because they managed to secure a single provision they were seeking that promotes the "cross-border transfer of information by electronic means." But that provision isn't particularly meaningful anyway (it only applies to companies, and would do nothing to stop government censorship), and isn't worth the cost of the agreement's more onerous and inflexible provisions, which would lock outdated elements of our law in stone and export them across the world.
Although the TPP's fortunes may seem to be waning, President Obama has reiterated his intention to push the deal through during the lame duck session of Congress which begins after the November presidential election. That's why it's important for us to keep this issue hot throughout the election season, ensuring that the undemocratic agreement doesn't stand a chance of slipping into law. You can help by attending the Rock Against the TPP concert nearest you and bringing your friends along with you. Grab your free ticket, and we hope to see you there.