The Let's Encrypt certificate authority issued its two millionth certificate on Thursday, less than two months after the millionth certificate. As we noted when the millionth certificate was issued, each certificate can cover several web sites, so the certificates Let's Encrypt has issued are already protecting millions and millions of sites.

Let's Encrypt certificates issued by date
This rapid adoption has made Let's Encrypt one of the world's largest public certificate authorities by number of certificates issued, and almost all of them are protecting domains that never supported HTTPS before. The Internet needs to migrate away from the insecure HTTP protocol, and we're very pleased to be helping to make that possible.
This milestone has arrived shortly after the Let's Encrypt CA service left beta status (we still consider the Python client to be in beta, and that will probably continue for another few months). Let's Encrypt is steadily helping to make HTTPS encryption more and more conveniently available to everyone, across the entire Web.
EFF co-founded the Let's Encrypt CA with Mozilla and researchers from the University of Michigan. Akamai and Cisco joined the project as founding sponsors, and many other organizations have stepped up to sponsor the project since launch. If you'd like to help, you can donate to EFF or ISRG, or if you're a coder, help us to improve the server or client software.
And if you're a web hosting company, web platform provider, or content delivery network, why not help us get to three million certificates sooner by integrating Let's Encrypt with your services and offering HTTPS to all of your users?