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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Rejoins "Free Dmitry" Protests

Robin Gross, EFF Staff Attorney - Intellectual Property,
+1 415-436-9333 x112,
[NOTE: Will Doherty will be out of the office until
August 8, so please direct media requests to Robin
or to]
San Francisco, CA - Representatives of the Electronic...

Letter to US Atty. Mueller

Ross Anderson, FIEE, FIMA
Reader Security Engineering
University of Cambridge
Computer Laboratory
Robert S. Mueller, III
United States Attorney
450 Golden Gate Avenue,
Box 36055
San Franscisco, Ca 94102
Fax: (415) 436-7234
July 26, 2001
Dear Mr Mueller,

EFF to Negotiate with DoJ for Release of Dmitry Sklyarov

Will Doherty, EFF Online Activist / Media Relations,,
+1 415 436 9333 x111
Robin Gross, EFF Staff Attorney - Intellectual Property,,
+1 415 436 9333 x112
San Francisco - Representatives from the Electronic Frontier Foundation will meet at...

Key Legislators on Fair Use and DMCA

The American public has traditionally enjoyed the ability to make convenience and incidental copies of copyrighted works without the necessity of obtaining the prior consent of the owner of the copyright. These traditional "fair use" rights are at the foundation of the receipt and use of information by the American...

EFF Letter to US Atty. Mueller

By Facsimile and Personal Delivery
Robert S. Mueller, III,
United States Attorney
450 Golden Gate Ave., Box 36055
San Francisco CA, 94102
Fax (415) 436-7234
Re: United States v. Sklyarov
Dear Mr. Mueller:
I am the Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier...

Adobe, Electronic Frontier Foundation Call for Release

Contacts for EFF:
Will Doherty, EFF Online Activist / Media Relations,,
+1 415-436-9333 x111
Robin Gross, EFF Staff Attorney - Intellectual Property,,
+1 415-436-9333 x112
Contact for Adobe:
Holly Campbell, Senior Corporate Public Relations Manager,,

EFF Letter From Executive Director Shari Steele

Electronic Frontier Foundation
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco CA 94110
The Honorable John Ashcroft
Attorney General
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
July 20, 2001
Dear Attorney General Ashcroft:
At the request of Adobe Corporation, Dmitry...

Protest Adobe's Role in Jailing Programmer Sklyarov

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and community activists urge concerned citizens to join in a San Francisco Bay Area protest on Monday, July 23, against software firm Adobe's role in the jailing of programmer Dmitry Sklyarov.
The local protest is part of a multinational effort to secure the release of...

Association of American Publishers Statement in Support of Sklyarov Prosecution

Publishers Hail Government Action Against Russian Ebook Hackers
Washington, DC: The nation's largest association of book and journal publishers today hailed the actions of the U.S. Department of Justice in arresting and charging a Russian cryptographer for trafficking in software that was primarily designed to "hack" technological safeguards that...

Statement on the Arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov

Once again, the Digital Millineum Copyright Act (DMCA) is proving itself to be as harmful to civil liberties as we predicted it would be. The latest victim is a Russian programmer named Dmitry Sklyarov, who authored a program that permits copying, printing and lending of electronic books by unlocking a...

FBI Arrests Programmer in Las Vegas

The FBI arrested Russian citizen Dmitry Sklyarov in Las Vegas, Nevada, yesterday on charges of distributing a product designed to circumvent copyright protection measures. Sklyarov, who was in Las Vegas to deliver a lecture on electronic book security, allegedly authored a program which permits editing, copying, and printing of electronic...

Princeton Scientists Sue Over Squelched Research

Trenton, NJ -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today asked a federal court to rule that Princeton University Professor Edward Felten and his research team have a First Amendment right to present their research on digital music access-control technologies at the USENIX Security Conference this August in Washington, DC, despite...

Federal Court Upholds Anonymous Speech on Internet

For Immediate Release -- Apr. 20, 2001
Lauren Gelman, Public Policy Dir.
+1 202 487-0420
Seattle -- In a precedent-setting ruling on free speech in cyberspace, a federal court in Seattle yesterday upheld the right to speak anonymously on the Internet. U.S....


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