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Deeplinks Blog

Picture of 2017 EFF Award Winners and staff

Join Us At the 2023 EFF Awards

WHAT ARE THE EFF AWARDS?For over thirty years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has presented awards recognizing key leaders and organizations advancing innovation and championing digital rights. The EFF Awards celebrate the accomplishments of people working toward a better future for technology users, both in the public eye and behind...

Something Digital

EFF Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian C. York, will be keynoting Brisbane's Something Digital conference on the topic of digital dissent and protecting free expression in a connected world.

3 types of trackers on green and orange backgrounds

The Industry Discussion About Standards For Bluetooth-Enabled Physical Trackers Is Finally Getting Started

Bluetooth-enabled location trackers such as Tiles and AirTags aren’t just a helpful way to find missing luggage or a misplaced wallet—they can also be easily slipped surreptitiously into a bag or car, allowing stalkers and abusers unprecedented access to a person’s location without their knowledge. At EFF, we have been...
Three pie-eyed.onions play jumprope together, centered in three concentric circles.

EFF Launches the Tor University Challenge

SAN FRANCISCO—Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Tuesday launched the Tor University Challenge, a campaign urging higher education institutions to support free, anonymous speech by running a Tor network relay. Universities answering this call to defend private access to an uncensored web will receive prizes while helping...

Two ravens dismantling a surveillance camera near birds on a telephone wire

It's Summer Security Week at EFF

EFF salutes the creativity and curiosity at the heart of Las Vegas’ hacker summer camp conferences: BSidesLV, Black Hat USA and DEF CON 31. You can stand in solidarity with the global community of digital creators and security researchers, too.


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